SCMP Restaurant review: Brass Spoon in Wan Chai is one busy Vietnamese eatery
Pho soup broth is addictive and the quality of the beef is good; the cold noodles are nothing special. Be warned – you won’t get served...
Food Jem Diaries - Brass Spoon(Wanchai)
The Star/Moon street area, a popular destination for office folk and expats alike, is changing constantly. One of the new eateries that...
Restaurant Guru - Brass Spoon (Wan Chai)
Passing by Star Street, visit this restaurant. If you have never tasted Vietnamese cuisine, you should order a table at Brass Spoon (Wan...
新假期 - 米芝蓮推介 Brass Spoon
Brass Spoon 4.0 / 5 $$ Brass Spoon主打越南牛肉粉,於灣仔、鰂魚涌、中環設有分店,連續4年獲米芝蓮車胎人美食推介,獲得不少名人的青睞,連劉鑾雄、林建岳都是其座上客,是人氣長龍店。灣仔店更只開7小時,假期和星期日都休息,非常霸氣。湯底用100斤...
Favourite Hong Kong restaurants of Stephanie Poon, founder of Zarie athleisure brand
Brass Spoon for pho, Fa Zu Jie for French-Chinese fusion and VEA for a date night among the places Poon heads to most, but after a bad day a